Ambulances are already full of sick children, which only immunizes them!


Ambulances of general practitioners are filled with children under 5 years old. Morbidity increases, so doctors recommend parents – do not give children to school or school.

This is the expected evolution of the situation during the current influenza season, when the activity of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract gradually increases. Care must be taken to prevent, especially in young children. During the influenza season, children are the most sensitive group, which is mainly the most common.

The child is more susceptible to diseases because the immunity is still developing and has another bacterial flora than an adult human. Therefore, with respect to infectious diseases, they are the most risky group. In addition to respecting hygiene habits, kindergartens are extremely important for taking care of the "morning filter". Avoid bringing a sick or missing child into the team.

A bad child does not belong to a nursery

The morning filter must be legally provided legally by responsible persons (mainly teachers) to preschool operators for the protection of children's health as part of their stay in kindergarten. The Public Health Protection, Promotion and Development Act states that only a child who does not have symptoms of a communicable disease may be placed in a preschool.

"Natural persons – entrepreneurs and legal persons who operate pre-schools must ensure that the responsible person checks daily whether the child's health allows him or her to be admitted. that the responsible person only accepts a child suspected of being ill only on the basis of an examination of his state of health by the attending physician.

If symptoms of acute communicable disease occur during the day, the patient should isolate the patient from the rest of the patient, monitor him temporarily and inform the guardian immediately, " says doc. MD. Jana Hamade, PhD., Head of the Department of Child and Youth Hygiene at the Institute of Public Health.

What diseases are most common in children

The children's gardens are relatively common mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Most often it is a common nasopharyngeal disease, but it can be complicated by the enlargement of childhood. middle ear infections, beneficial cavities, larynx and bronchi, or lungs.

The disease is caused by viruses or bacteria, the infection usually spreading by droplet infection. The pediatrician always decides how to treat the disease. In the case of viral diseases, it is a symptomatic treatment – treatment of fever, vitamins and teas. Bacterial diseases require antibiotic therapy.

"In both cases, however, the child must rest on the bed and return to the collective after complete healing.The too early return of an unopened child to the nursery school prolongs his convalescence while increasing the risk of infecting other children ", says doc. Jana Hamade.

Hand washing is the basis

Always remind children that it is important to wash your hands thoroughly, to prevent rinsing with hot water is not enough and that you need a good dose of soap. Handwashing can be as simple as possible to prevent the spread of many infectious diseases, including respiratory diseases.

To clean the hands, do not touch any part of the palm, the back of the hand, the space between your fingers and under your fingernails. It is best to use a disposable cloth or a clean towel after a thorough rinse. It should be emphasized to the child that his hands should be washed after arriving at school, at home, before and after a meal, after each use of the toilet, after coughing, sneezing and with a feeling of impure hands.

"It is also important to keep children in the winter to enhance immunity by providing vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, with enough fruits and vegetables." The most important thing is to teach children about Daily daily consumption of fruits and vegetables throughout the year, and not only in case of increased incidence of respiratory infections, " explained the doc. Jana Hamade.

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