Bugar: foreign policy could be endangered by foreign policy – Home – News


29.11.2018 13:47, updated: 14:01

If Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak (Smeru's candidate) decides that it makes no sense to continue leading the government, Slovakia's foreign policy will be questioned.

Changing foreign policy can jeopardize the coalition. He underlined
Vice-President of Parliament and Most-Hed Béla Bugar, who does not like that,
Coalition partners question Leajka's work. in the frame
with the negotiation of the global pact for the migration of the UN in Marrakech Bugar
stated that Slovakia had to interpret its reservations and take them into account.
minutes of the meeting.

Reservations can only be communicated by Slovakia according to the analysis
to take part in the negotiations in Marrakech, the head of foreign affairs has warned
parliamentary committee, Katarina Cséfalvay, who criticizes politicians for having
they jumped to the wave of populism. In addition, according to Bugar, several politicians are linked
with a pact scare people. The Covenant is in its words about migrants, no
Refugees. "And he says that the sovereignty of the states is not compromised"
he said. The analysis according to him showed that the participation of Slovakia in the forum
there is no legal or other obligation. "We do not have any
political commitments, "he added.

Bugar also spoke about the situation in Ukraine and the current conflict between
Ukraine and Russia, which emerged after an incident between naval forces
in Kerch. Bugar would call Russia directly an aggressor. At the event
Ukraine would react harder. "Russia is an aggressor and we must condemn it"
he said.

The President of the National Council of RS and SNS Andrej Danko called the Parliament
respect the decision of the plenary that approved the resolution
The United Nations Global Compact on Migration.

He is asking the government to reject the pact. He adds that it is not in the resolution
written prohibition of Slovakia's participation in the Marrakesh negotiations, but
that Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (Smer) will keep the word and Slovakia to
Marrakech will not go. (more
in the report Danko de Lajcak wants to change his words

The Migration Pact in the National Council of the Slovak Republic votes on the resolution
the pact on migration was also spoken by uboš during the Idea Pravda session
Blaha (Smer) and Martin Klus (SaS).

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