Elon Musk says that he is personally 70% on the surface of Mars VoSveteIt.sk


Elon Musk is clearly one of the greatest visionaries of the 21st century. This is confirmed not only by its ambitious projects of electromobility, but also by the results of space exploration. society SpaceX, with Elon Musk at the helm for years, is working to develop a rocket strong enough to transport the first people to Mars, as well as enough technology to continue living on the surface of our nearest neighbor. Running such a plan is not as easy as most of us think. Elon Musk himself has been aware of this for a long time, but in many interviews he even stated that he would sometimes arrive on Mars. In the last interview, however, he also indicated the percentage of luck of his visit to Mars, and we must evaluate his optimism.

Elon Musk and his "Martian dream"

Musk in the last interview of the documentary series Axios on HBO estimated that there was up to 70% chance that he personally visit Mars. However, several other interesting expressions were also mentioned in the interview. Musk denied claims that Mars would become a sanctuary for wealthy people wishing to flee the Earth, whether because of global warming or the depletion of natural resources and the richness of the Earth. He also said in the interview that the first missions on Mars would be extremely dangerous and compared them to Mount Everest.

Huge obstacles before the settlement

Whether Mars has any meaning whatsoever is not clear at all. On the surface of Mars, there are currently several rovers who are actively looking for signs of life or water that could be used to visit the red planet. But we will certainly arrive on Mars once. But the return will not be so easy and, before the inventory of the plan as a whole, it is necessary to think about several obstacles that must be overcome by scientists as soon as possible. The first people on the surface of Mars are likely to stay, and it is not clear whether their return is expected. But if they are to last at least a few months on the surface, researchers need to find ways to safely secure more than a ton of supplies and equipment that would be needed to meet the human needs, as well as research. Another problem is how to protect them from the severe sandstorms that regularly occur on Mars. Last but not least, it is worth mentioning the way to bring people back to Earth. It's actually in the hands of the theoreticians, because thinking of a rocket that will be transported to the surface of Mars without damage or fuel, and then nine months to bring people back to Earth, is one of the most difficult cases we have. never met.

Source: techradar.com, introduction image (Pixabay)

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