Poprad divides the barricades again, the citizen fights against the offices and plays – Regions – News


SR Poprad barricades road city city owner of dispute POX

Barricades are again on the access road to the parking lot of the Poprad District Court.

Author: .

On the access road to the parks of the Poprad District Court, the barricades are again Thursday morning.

Concrete dams with two cars were built by the owner
under the auspices of Martin Kurcab, who has been saying for several years
on the illegal communication that Poprad uses illegally.

"The reason is the non-communication, the ignorance, the inactivity of the city and
a dispute of several years. According to valid documents, I am the owner of those
Kurcab, according to him, the city's representatives have long been
refuse to meet, do not communicate and the employees in charge of the office are silenced
facts. He claims that his property is illegally transferred
marking, asphalt and parking, which have never been in condition
the organs are not intended for parking or road traffic and have never been
legally owned by the municipality.

Martin Kurcáb says for several years that it is ... "data-original =" https://ipravda.sk/res/2018/11/29/thumbs/sr-poprad-barikady-cesta-mesto-vlastnik -spor -pox_01-malaW.jpg

Martin Kurcab for several years
says that it is an illegal communication used by Poprad
(Click on the image to enlarge, open in a new window)
Author: TASR, Adriana

Taxes apply, land is not used

The Kurcab also pointed out that the city did not respect the decisions of the competent authorities
and judicial authorities and continues to occupy his / her without legal title
the property for which it is duly paid. "Do not legalize my way and
parking, enjoy it and, on the contrary, on my land, he does business
illegal paid parking, "he said, always ready
negotiate with city officials on the recourse and legalization of this state.

The Kurcab then added that, if one maintained the current state,
in case of damage to health and property caused
a motor vehicle can not operate in accordance with the law of the road and
the situation is the responsibility of him. "If something happened to someone, he could
I've got my braids back with the law, "he said.
blocking activity of the motor vehicle is not directed to the disruption
of a peaceful state close to its territory, but only aims to protect such
people exposed to the introduction of Poprad
danger of damage. The unsatisfied owner also has comments
the competent police authorities on the way to his country
there is no communication.

However, the head of the municipal police of Poprad Štefan Šipula,
that the city has the first decision available since 1956, where it is
mentioned in this case that it is a road communication. "In the frame
with the establishment of concrete bridges, we have taken such steps to
we secured passage for rescue units, residential residents
the houses and the owners of the surrounding facilities, "added Šipula.

First time in August

Drivers are aware of the current state of road signs.
Popov, a spokesman for Marián Galajd added that the passage
allowed the construction of the Mnohelova Street District Court. management
Urban roads will not operate street parking at the same time
Dominika Tatarku. "This communication is in possession of the city that will be
to act strictly in accordance with the law to protect this property
made available to citizens, "added Galajda, adding that the situation
they have to deal in Poprad, they know all the cities of Slovakia. It's according to
on the case where the communication is in possession of the city and the lands that are there
to another owner.

The Kurcab first placed the barricade on this road at the end of August and then
their city was removed. "I think when new leaders arrive,
it is possible to start negotiations and finally to resolve them, because for
for four years nothing happened, I just paid a thousand euros for legal
service and I spent time on the hill. I mainly feel tired and helpless,
because the only one who is responsible for it is the police force ",
concluded Kurcab.

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