Parliament calls on the government to reject the migration pact


MEPs approved the CSS and Smer-SD resolutions.

The Government of the Slovak Republic must adopt a disagreement with the United Nations Global Compact on Migration. It must also take appropriate steps to remove the RS from the procedure of receiving a document at a high-level government meeting to be held in Morocco on 10 and 11 December. It is requested by the National Council (NR) of the RS in the SNS and Smeru-SD resolutions, which were approved by 90 votes in Czech language on Thursday.

The resolution also states that the United Nations Global Compact on Migration is not in line with the security and migration policy of the Slovak Republic. He also underlined the sovereignty of Slovakia on migration policy. "The RS is fully sovereign in defining its own national migration policy," says the resolution.

He can not restrict Slovakia

Illegal economic migration is, according to the document, a negative phenomenon, posing also security risks, in a national, regional and global context. Slovakia, according to its resolution, supports the solution of the causes of migration in the countries of origin.

"No migration document can be interpreted as limiting sovereign jurisdiction to decide who to consider as a legal migrant and who is an illegal migrant and grant them the right to remain on its territory" Parliament.

According to the document, Slovakia also reserves the right to adopt migration legislation exclusively in accordance with its national migration policy. At the same time, he continues to insist on the rejection of the compulsory quota policy.

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