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The retirement ceiling should be 64 years old and the child's education should be reduced by six months. If the constitutional law was not adopted, the 40 years old today would receive a pension, the 65 years old and the young people of the 1970s. Watch the video as deputies explaining our pension agreement .

At the November session, Parliament must decide on the constitutional law by which
the ceiling for the retirement age is set. If the proposal had been accepted,
the constitutional law would provide that the age required to claim the right
a sufficient supply of age-related material must not exceed 64 years.

The vote will probably take place next week, and Direction, which law
suggests that he needs a constitutional majority, at least 90 votes. sure
your party would therefore also need to win some of the opposition. with the negotiations
always successful alongside Boris Kollar We are a family. He made the condition,
that his deputies to the law will only vote if the legislation
retirees also take into account women who have raised the child.
In constitutional law, the formula should appear: "For the sake of support
families and maternity of the state, anyone who raises a child has the right
reduce the maximum age required to assert his rights
adequate security. "This provision should therefore apply,
fathers, guardians or surrogate parents. Proposal mid-September
passed second reading with 93 votes.

At his last meeting, he wrote his own retirement proposal
Chief OĽaNO Igor Matovič. He suggested that he could go on retirement
whoever worked for 40 years. Those who have been working for 16 or 18 years
age, would then be entitled to a pension at the age of 56 or 58,
with the fact that the pension would be cut off. "The automatic would always be paid, but those who
people who have been working for 40 years would already be able to retire ",
explained Matovic. Now automatic, which every year
increases the age of retirement for several tens of days. The age of exit is therefore
just set for this year at 62 and 139 days.

Matovich presented his proposal for the first time at the last meeting only briefly
before MPs voted on the ceiling of retirement. Direction, which
originally counted on the fact that he could also get help for OĽANO, you already have
he was not sure of having the necessary 90 votes, so the vote was postponed
November Kollar's support was also evident. He said that he was
Matovičov's proposal is delayed and must be supported

Today, however, there is only one draft directive enriched by the comments of the Sme section.
family. "Robert Fico is extremely dependent on this bill
has been accepted. All the more, because I got a little misled with that and the alternative
I came with a proposal. And I think that's the motivation to buy it
one or two votes, "says Matovic.
he always talks about his proposal and considers that Matovič's speech is misleading.
But he can not count on all the votes of the coalition, as the boss
Most-Hed Bela Bugar said: "We will give our free hand, but
I guess our members will not vote. "

Even in the summer, Fico's president said: "If this law is not
have the support of the constitutional majority, we will not push it anymore
constitutionally, but we will present it in the form of common law ".
the pension ceiling was constitutional law, but they insisted
Kollárovci. Today, Fico says that if the constitutional law does not pass, I will go to

The reason the board decided to adjust the retirement pension,
The Minister of Labor (Direction), Ján Richter, explained: "It is not possible to
The children of today have retired until they are seventy years old. If we work
the mechanism did not give a real ceiling, so they had to know that this would be the case. It is possible
assume that the age of retirement will increase even in the coming years.
If we do not retire, we will expose people to that
very old age will have to live in professional activities and
they may not be ready. "

When it comes to reducing the age of retirement, this can be important for children
high although Direction talks about including lowering the ceiling of women.
How to define education has recently been explained to TV True
sociologist of SAV Zuzana Kusá. You can see his view
in the following video:

With the argument of Management, part of the opposition is not identified from the beginning. his
the reservation is based on the fact that the age of retirement concerns the persons
born in 1965 and under, and can not be accepted
an important economic measure for several years to come, also constitutional
the law. SaS immediately opposes this proposal. He repeatedly criticized her
The former Minister of Labor and deputy today single, Jozef Mihál. "I want you
warn of the consequences. You will not find an economist in Slovakia who
he supported this measure, "he said." You are preparing for future generations
problems and hidden debt. It's irresponsible if you tell people that they're going
to be better if I go to retirement, "said Mihál.
the opinion on this issue was also taken up by the Budget and Accountability Board.

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