Lajčák has resigned. What are the reactions?


Politicians respond to the resignation of Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajčák.

29. November 2018 at 19:27 (tasr,

Katarína Csefalvayová (Most-Híd), Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs in Parliament

"His departure would be a great loss at a time when a political consensus on foreign policy has fallen.I think Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini will not resign from Miroslav Lajcak.

I consider it as politics with a clear and unambiguous Euro-Atlantic wharf. "

Jaroslav Paška (CIS), Vice-Chairman of Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee

"I am honored that his connection with the UN Global Compact on Migration is so strong that the Parliament's decision suggests that his work on this document raises doubts." He can not make legislation contrary to the interests of citizens .

People do not trust this document from the UN, its security and the guarantee of a peaceful future. The political scene does not have the right to receive it. If he even renounces the post of minister, I think he will remain active in the field of Slovak or European diplomacy. "

Richard Sulík (SaS), party chairman

"The message is incomprehensible." He did not leave the government at the death of a journalist, even when Robert Fico was struggling to prevent the migrants from spreading the country's alarming news. Slovakia's adherence to the pact, which is contradictory internally, comes at an inappropriate time when Europe is facing massive mass migration, radicalism and extremism.

His attitude is therefore Pharisee and we see only speculation. Mr Lajčák is now leaving Slovak foreign policy to the IEC and Fico, which is irresponsible. "

Igor Matovič (OLEO), MP and president of the movement

"You can think of anything in Lajcak, he was supposed to leave the government of Fic just after the murder of Ján Kuciak and his fiancée.

On the other hand, it was the last mohykan of normality towards Smer. "

Robert Kaliňák (Smer), MP and former Minister of the Interior

"The Prime Minister should not accept his resignation and should speak to him." The parliamentary resolution on the United Nations Global Compact did not meet the criteria for his dismissal.

I reject Mr. Smer's contemptuous attitude towards the Global Compact by leaving him. As of 2015, we have adopted the same position on migration. It was predictable. "

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