The Ministry of Health's program is to help detect cancer at an early stage


The pilot program for colon and rectal cancer screening begins with the first phase of a sample of 20,000 people selected by health insurance companies.

Bratislava, 6 January (TASR) – The Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic will launch screening programs from next year. They will focus on the early detection of cancer of the colon and rectum, breast and cervix. "It is a key role of the Ministry of Health as part of the strategic plan to reduce the incidence and mortality of cancer patients, as well as to improve the quality of life of patients (National Cancer Control Program) she told TASR spokesperson Zuzana Eliášová.

She explained that the pilot program for colon and rectal cancer screening will begin with the first phase of a sample of 20,000 people chosen by the health insurance companies. They send their insult to a test for occult hemorrhage, which must then be handed to the GP with the stool sample. Elias recalled that men and women over 50 were entitled to the occult haemorrhage test every two years. If the patient receives a positive result, he will be sent for a thorough professional examination. colonoscopy.

"Next year, we will begin screening for breast cancer, which will focus on active breast cancer research and targeting women aged 50 to 69." Eliášová has been informed that, thanks to this program of the Ministry of Health, she is cooperating with professional companies and health insurance companies, which will invite their insurers to this survey.

The ministry also plans to launch cervical cancer screening sometime in 2019. Cervical cytology cervical cells will be evaluated by certified cytology laboratories and will be eligible for women aged 23 to 64. The first two cycles of cytology will take place one year apart, if both results are correct. The periodicity also applies to an insured person who started testing later than 23 years of age " explained the ministry spokesman. Screening ends at age 64 if the last three cytological results are negative.

The volunteer will be HPV next year – vaccination. Starting in January 2019, the health insurance companies will reimburse a double HPV vaccine. "They will be vaccinated in two doses, one being a single dose and will receive a free vaccine, that is to say two doses of boys and girls in the thirteenth year of life, that is to say after the twelfth birthday of the child, Elijah added.

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