Young people make a big mistake: because of this, there is a risk of obesity


Six Easiest Ways to Make Big Changes this New Year: The Third Will Be a Challenge!

Breakfast is omitted by one-third of the youth and almost half of the girls. Less than a third of adolescents eat regularly and more than 80% eat sweets and salty snacks, caramels, chocolate or ice cream during the day outside of main meals. These findings stem from recent research titled Adolescents and Lifestyle, conducted by the Institute of P & C Research and the Italian Society for Adolescent Medicine. Carlo Buzzi from Trent University coordinated it. It included a representative sample of 2,654 high school students aged 14-19.

The research has focused on various areas of young people's lives and their eating habits, which is one of the most attractive aspects of a youngster's life. In terms of meal choice, pasta is consumed in the past, absorbing 74.4% of the adolescents surveyed. There is bread (65.2%), fruit (58%), vegetables (52.9%) and meat (50.3%), while legumes, eggs and fish are less popular. .

Young people make it huge

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Young people are more fond of pasta and meat. The sweet and savory foods, as well as the fish, love them much more than they consume. Fruits and vegetables are less popular. The worst is, in terms of popularity, legumes.

The main course of the day in the south and the islands is lunch, in other parts of Italy, young people consider the main meals for lunch and dinner. The situation is different in big cities, where young people usually see the main course of the day only in the evening. It is especially in Milan that 62% of the teens surveyed consider dinner as the main meal of the day. Leaving the breakfast and focusing on the evening worries the experts, who call it a prejudicial nutritional imbalance when the main source of energy is transmitted at the end of the day. This leads to the risk of overweight and obesity.

Young people make it huge

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To this end, it is necessary to add the sedentary lifestyle of a less practicing generation. In addition to gymnastics at school, 31% of young people and 53% of girls do not play sports or spend less than two hours a week. The main reasons young people do not promote are lack of time and, in some cases, lack of financial means.

Young people are familiar with the main nutritional properties of foods. High school students are better off in terms of knowledge about genetically modified foods and local foods than students in technical departments and apprentices. Reasonable consumption also means more attention to our health and environment.

Miriam met the snake

Source: Getty Images, reader's trick

And how do young people build dishes that they do not know? Most (80.9%) tasted new dishes from friends, 73.1% of them young people. According to research, television advertising affects 41% of respondents. Internet advertising has reached 15% of young people. More girls than young people are more courageous and more likely to taste unfamiliar dishes.

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