Slovakia is home with one of the best teams in the world


today 11:15

Slovak football team to play preliminary match between states against Jordan players in June

Presented by the President of the Slovak Football Association (SFZ) Ján Kováčik at the Tuesday morning meeting with the journalists.

In the future, he also announces another preparatory meeting against one of the best teams in the world. This will happen on the date that he is not part of the "Slovak" electronic group qualified for the 2020 Europe Championship.

"I can say that we will play a home game with Jordan on June 7. It is possible that this match will take place at the national football stadium (NFŠ) in Bratislava, but it is not certain. In addition, in October, we will play another preparatory duel. Up to here, I'm not saying the name of the opponent, but it's one of the best teams in the world ", said Ján Kováčik.

The president of the SFZ also revealed that the football public could expect a duel of the Slovak representation in the new Teheln pitch. "It will definitely be September 6th against the Croats" clarified the first Slovak football player and added that the qualifying match against Hungary (March 21) is considered threatened: "We expect this to bring extra-triple tension, and it's certainly riskier than a match against the Czech," he said. added Ján Kováčik.

Author: |Source: SITA|Photo: Reuters

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