Tesla can earn up to $ 30,000 a year for a Tesla network owner


Elon Musk presented Tesla's plans within the Tesla Network, which will offer Uber mobility services that are somewhat robot-free (unmanned) and emission-free. In addition, this will allow Tesla owners to earn money. This allows them to share their vehicle within the network and earn up to $ 30,000 a year.

Next year

The Tesla network is expected to become a reality next year, according to Elon Musk. He is confident that the development of a fully autonomous management within the Tesla autopilot system will be completed by the end of this year. In the second quarter of 2020, there should be a version that does not require any intervention or even attention from the driver.

The availability of this service "Robotaxi" will ultimately depend on the authorization of the authorities. However, Musk thinks it will be approved by at least one market by the end of next year. When this happens, Tesla easily updates its mobile application remotely, allowing the use of a robotic autonomous taxi service, as well as sharing Tesla vehicles within the network, thus allowing homeowners to make money.

All new Tesla electric vehicles are already equipped with fully autonomous driving and operating equipment within the Tesla network, and therefore the "Robotaxi" service. The hardware only waits for the necessary software updates.

The value of the Tesla must reach $ 200,000

Elon Musk has heard that when Tesla electric cars are fully autonomous, they cost on average $ 200,000 (178,000 euros). This is because they will be able to win their Tesla network owners. For example, 30,000 USD (26,700 €) per year, with a 145,000-kilometer ride, assuming half of those miles will be "unused" without a customer.

Such profit must be ensured by low operating costs, up to € 0.10 per km (they should decrease over time). That means € 1.1 to € 1.6 less per kilometer traveled by carpooling. At the same time, Musk assumes that the vehicle has the potential to make a profit of € 0.36 per km.

The annual gains mentioned above are real in the event of an extreme raid, but according to Mr Musk, Tesla's current batteries can travel between 480,000 and 800,000 km. Future production is expected to be 2 times larger, up to 1,600,000 km. In the same way, the powertrain of the vehicle should have the same endurance. Tesla electric cars should therefore travel a good mileage in the Tesla network.

tesla network

Source: Tesla via Electrek

Liability for any accident will be borne by Tesla

Tesla assumes that next year it will represent a million vehicles. This potentially means a million vehicles to share. He adds that in the event of an accident within the "Robotaxi", he assumes responsibility for it.

Sources: Teslarati, Electrek, Title Photo: Techcrunch

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