Strike paralyzed public transport in Košice, people were beating for taxis


The city had a hectic morning.

KOSICE. On Thursday morning, a quarrel between two women took part in the taxi stand in front of Košice station, and three students joined the group.

Read also: The mayor went a few hours before the strike between the drivers in Košice

Incoming taxis triggered a concussion.

"We are going to the hospital with my husband, we can not be late because they will not take us then.We have been waiting for weeks," said the neighborhood pensioner, opening the door of the Taxi.

"Sorry, I have a meeting at work that I can not delay and I've been here before you.I'm sorry, but I can not let you go," said a 40-year-old woman who was already sitting on the other side of the same car.

The students also entered the back of the car and also asked to be removed from the station.

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The passengers were silenced by a taxi driver who explained to them that he had come to the station to arrange a phone order, so that he would not pick them up.

"It's completely crazy here, you've seen it yourself, people jumped into my car from all sides and asked who to drive in. The robots are blessed this morning, for which they are not going may not use public transport, "said a taxi driver in Corsair.

MHD was paralyzed for two hours

That was the situation on rush hour Thursday at Stanic Square, the city's main transit hub.

Thousands of passengers go to work, to school or to other tasks that need to be managed here at the present time.

Read also: Public transport strike paralyzed in Košice, people fought for taxis

Many of them did not even know that their plans would be complicated by a brutal strike in the Košice transport company, which lasted from 7 am to 9 am.

At that time, only the buses that left the first stop in front of the seventh went through the station and could not reach their final.

From the station, she headed for the only R1 tram line, towards the American steel entrance.

Several passengers have reached shared bikes that have been in the city for less than a week. Less than a dozen bikes got caught in a few tens of seconds.

"It was supposed to be an alternative means of transportation, but this morning it's the only way to get to the city," said a young student who managed to grab one of the bikes.

The student of the tram did

The gymnast Peter left the Moldavská street at the Zbrojničná school in the morning. He was ready to walk. He was finally surprised even when he left the house a few hours before eight o'clock.

"Everything happened like a normal day. I took a streetcar to go to the House of Arts, where I went to Kuzmany Street, where several people stopped and from there I moved on to another tram. Both went exactly, there were people in them. The only change was that the pilots had a strike on their sleeves. However, it is true that there is little in our school, "explained the student.

There was peace in front of the transport company

The situation in front of the transport company of the city of Košice (DPMK) in Bardejovská street was calm during the strike.

No connection was out of the depot, there was no one in front of the building.

In the lobby, there was only one guardhouse.

Nobody waited for the connection at the stop, right in front of the building.

Fifteen buses cost the monastery

About fifteen buses were parked at the last stop of the KVP – Klášter Monastery after eight hours. The drivers talked in silence, some were sitting in their buses.

The policeman of the city was in order, but there was no dramatic situation.

"We'll be there before nine," says one of the drivers.

"We have to do something, we deserve higher wages and refuse to give them to us. It's the first strike and if we do not achieve anything, we will continue. Otherwise, it would make no sense. We do not want anything else, just what belongs to us. They will give us several tens of cents. In Bratislava, they demand more than the euro. Here it is small, but they do not give it to us, "unworthy the bus driver.

Driver: They call us robots, wages do not increase

It is not agreed that drivers receive the average salary published by management.

Read also: Management of the Košice transport company: the drivers' strike is illegal

"Also say something? It is not true that 1 088 euros? What has fallen from the pear? This amount is increased because we go to work during leisure. We did not work 160 hours, but two hours, so the average is higher, but what's behind it? "They continue to call us that he has no one to to do, and the man goes away, let him win.

The bus driver says that they are united and that they do not intend to give up, although there are also black sheep.

"He was here, I do not know him, he was strange, but no one speaks to us, we left our lines in the morning to drive people away, before the seventh, everybody followed his route. came here well after seven o'clock.I was surprised that people were not on stops, I was empty at KVP.I did not even notice a lot of cars, I do not know what that these people did, they probably took their leave. "

The stooges were angry

"I did not know that the drivers were on strike, there was no information anywhere at the stop, only the man in the cabin told me that nothing was happening for an hour and the next one would not leave.I have to get to work even with a taxi, but they are so full that they can send me up to an hour and a half. Fingers for them, I'm angry at having to lose myself now, "said Jezerańka, who works at the vet.

Read also: Trade unionists at the Košice transport company start a brutal strike

From the lake, it takes about half an hour to catch the tram.

Even Jan, retired, could not get into a new hospital in the morning.

"I was aware of the strike, but at half past eight, I saw on the balcony that the trams and buses were leaving, so I thought they'd have it." – be changed in. Well, there was nothing eighth, so now I'm waiting.I have no one to call me to take me . "

"I think they want higher wages, but they just punished the passengers.Their chiefs did not need a bus or a tramway to get to work." Yesterday I charged a book And today I have to pay a taxi, they were supposed to think differently, they have complicated a lot of people, but those who decide their salary are happy to drive, "added a student.

Police in the city also guided Tahu residents

At Ičiahanovce Settlement, the striking drivers were at the end of the American class, where all the local bus lines stopped there.

They told us that the complications for the passengers were a disappointment, but otherwise they did not know what to do. They believed that most travelers would understand them.

Read also: They announced a strike alert in the transport company. Some will prove the goods in the store

All buses were parked on both sides of the road during the strike.

At least at the start stop, the Tsuhansi who wanted to leave there learned the existence of the strike. There was a car and two police officers from the city who informed people and the need to travel to their destination differently.

While the other six stops of the subdivision were standing, people got informed, but not public transportation.

Even the cars at the bus stops were staged, with teams informing people that the buses were waiting unnecessarily.

"I've been called by a friend while waiting for the bus, because he knows I'm using public transport," Tahanovan told us. "So I went home, took the keys to the car and went to work by car.

The fact that the buses did not pass in the morning was also found in the car parks. They were emptyer than in the morning. Obviously, many Saharawis used a car to get to work.

More than 97% of drivers were involved in the strike

More than 97% of the drivers were involved in the strike, Ivan Horváth, president of the drivers' union told DPMK.

"According to unverified information to date from about 150 outgoing buses, four drivers did not get involved in the strike, all the tram drivers are on strike except one," said Horvath.

"I would like to apologize to the traveling public, which we have complicated today in this way, but we represent employees who have legitimate requirements, in particular, we want to put in place a subsidy for DPMK so that it can be exploited and the relevant employee requirements are integrated, "Horváth said just before the end of the strike.

On the question of journalists if the strike can be repeated on the following days, when Košice will host the World Hockey Championship, Horváth has not expressly stated: "We have elected strike committees that will coordinate the next activity. I firmly believe that this could be solved. "

He added that the trade unionists still had no meeting with the management of the company or the city.

Polacek: I realize that their salaries are mediocre

The mayor of Košice Jaroslav Polaček (independent), accompanied by the chairman of the board of directors and the director of the municipality, Marcel Čop, as well as several municipal police officers, also checked the situation at the station.

"We asked the municipal police to inform the traveling public during the strike," he said.

Polaček added that he was aware that DPMK employees should receive higher salaries.

"All workers deserve it because their current wages are really bad. But we asked them to give us the time to stabilize society. Just to remind you that DPMK did not even have diesel in December. The city had to bounce back this trade with huge sums. Instead of 18.6 million, we paid 23 million. "

According to him, the union 's request to increase wages by 10% would be about 2.2 million.

"This city does not have this money yet. What we need to do is stabilize our business, find our own reserves. Any savings that we can realize in the company later are mainly reflected in the salaries of our employees, "he added.

According to Chop, a strike on Thursday could have negative consequences for the carrier: "DPMK has long been fighting against a steady decline in the number of passengers and could be a blow to public transport in Kosice."

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