Huawei Chief: We are perfectly prepared for the conflict with the United States


Huawei President Ren Zhengfei said on Tuesday that the Chinese media were "perfectly prepared" for the conflict with the United States. He considers this necessary. Huawei's ambition is to become a global technology leader.

"We sacrificed the interests of employees and their families to create an ideal so that we could stand at the top of the world."In an interview with the Chinese media, said Ren.

"To reach this ideal, the conflict would be sooner or later with the United States,"He added.

The United States against Huawei have been the strongest so far. Last Thursday, the Trump administration ordered US companies to stop selling their Huawei technology or products. This had a serious impact. For example, a Chinese company lost its Android license, which it subsequently received for another 90 days.

Huawei: 90 days, it's nothing, and yet we are perfectly prepared

Ren made it clear on Tuesday that the 90-day extension license privilege for Huawei "means very little"Because the company is already"fully prepared"To prohibitions and restrictions.

Huawei chip development department HiSilicon, Friday, reported that the ban on the United States with have been preparing for several years. Behind this decision, there was the fear that the United States will forbid them sooner or later to buy American chips and technologies. "We start using all the backup products. This will ensure uninterrupted delivery of the product."Says the memorandum." In addition, the company had to develop its own operating system.

"We produce the same quality chips as those from the United States. But that does not mean we do not want to buy in the United States.Said Ren. "We can not isolate ourselves from the world"He explains.

Huawei leader at the same time thanked the American companiesit helped them to get where they are. As for the question of how long such a conflict between China and the United States would last, Ren points to the administration of Trump.

"You have to blame American politicians, not companies,"He has closed."

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