A golden treasure for your lips: an ordinary sweetener can deal with unpleasant troubles!



It is far from being used only as a garnish for a sweet breakfast or to flavor tea. Even the layman knows the therapeutic effects, but the latest scientists have reinforced the claim of having honey in a home medicine cabinet. They will face an uncomfortable illness that you would otherwise get rid of!

Scientists say that they are holding a great triumph in the form of a new use of honey. According to them, he is able to fight the haze. It is an unpleasant, non-aesthetic disease, accompanied by rashes and redness on the lips. Usually, the patient gets rid of them after a few days and is treated with anti-viral creams that can be obtained in pharmacies.

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Effective as a medicine

Thus, research has shown that honey is just as effective in treating pain by vesicle formation. Participants in the experiment used cream or honey, which helped eliminate pain and injury in nine days. Bumblebee tissue has a long history of therapeutic use, with some studies showing that it also has antibacterial properties.

An experiment of 952 participants was conducted by researchers from the New Zealand Medical Research Institute (MRINZ). They compared the treatment for herpes with honey and an aciclovir antiviral cream. The honey came from a New Zealand tree before being sterilized and enriched with additional antimicrobial ingredients.

All patients were asked to visit one of the 76 community pharmacies during the first 72 hours of herpes episodes. Then they were randomly assigned creams with 5% aciclovir or honey cream, mixed with 10% glycerine. When applying their treatment five times a day, patients were asked to record pain and wildfire data. Their records were monitored for 14 days or until the complete cure of herpes. The researchers found that those who used the cream started to heal the blister after only two days. Honey is just as effective!

The authors wrote: "Both treatments had similar efficacy in all the resulting variables, including healing time, resolution of pain and proportion of episodes interrupted among treatment groups. Both groups found both treatments very acceptable. "

They can count on honey

Head of Research, Dr. Alex Semprini said the results prove that patients can choose an alternative option, based on evidence.

"This means that patients with a preference for natural and alternative medicines, as well as the pharmacists who sell them, can trust the effectiveness of this kānuka honey composition in New Zealand as an additional treatment against cancer." # 39; herpes. "

The study had several warnings, one of them being that the healing time of cold sores was not compared to any other treatment. It is also a fact that the research was funded by a New Zealand company whose product was tested.

Herpes viruses cause cold sores. It is estimated that about seven in ten people in the UK are infected with a virus. About 30% of people suffer from recurring criseswhich are usually caused by the virus type one. Cold sores are most often transmitted by being kissed with active cold sores. At first they look like red spots and then evolve into blisters.

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Honey haze disease Health treatment

29.05.2019 | Foto: gettyimages.com | Author: © List / Janka

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