Awesome Karel Gott Accident: last minute operation!


In the past, as we came to the surface and wrote in the book Our Karel, which had been written by the editor of Czech Lightning, Gott had almost lost his head and had to be rescued by a plastic surgeon. The singer with gold in the throat had a good break in the seventies. "He admitted it himself. I found it still reaching his nose as if it was an itch. I suspected that he had made a sculpture, but he did not swear, " Frantisek Janecek, his long-time manager, published Gott's past in the book.

Karel Gott is known for his love of cars and driving.

Karel Gott

Source: TASR / Branislav Račko

But he was not the only one to have "messed up" Karl. Jitka Zelenková, who was once part of her ensemble, also spoke about her love for driving and cars. According to her, he has had several times, but he was lucky in the misfortune. "Once we got up the same day, I'm here in Bohemia and him in Germany, then the Duo disaster told us, he turned the car on the roof, and then he told us that he he had realized that he had a full tank, that he remembered James Bond and that he had thrown the window through which he had climbed, " describes his memories.

Divine Kaja, however, also had another serious accident when the doctors had to intervene. At that time, there was a golden feast in a car with his colleague Milan Chladil, who wanted to rent him with a new military jeep. "Milan stopped listening to the jeep, we hit the tree, I flew through the window," the singer is revealed. He was brought to the hospital with his nose in his hands. "Professor Sedlacek told me at that time that if I lost a moment later, he would not save my nose" Gott admitted, while thanking the writer Jiří Štaidl for his early arrival at the hospital.

Karel Gott lost his nose. Who knows if Ivana would fall in love with him with a disfigured face?

Super accident by Karel Gott:

Source: Instagram K.G.

Have you ever had a car accident?

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