Smer-SD will not support the public election of US judges, says Erik Tomas


"Only a secret choice is free I regret that the basic principles of democracy are demolished under pressure," Tomáš said. If there is a majority in the parliament that votes in a public election, he can imagine that they will participate and vote. "We can not allow our side to be unjustly accused of obstruction," she says. In addition, he stated that it would be a good idea to complete the entire process because the last candidates are absent.

In an interview, the president of the Most-Hid coalition, Bela Bugar, said that he would not withdraw from the obligation to publicly elect candidates for positions of constitutional judges. Andrej Danko TASR, President of SIC, confirmed that he would also encourage public voting. He also spoke about the publication of the names of the candidates that the CIS would vote to facilitate the search for infiltrations. The next election of the missing candidates for the judges of the Constitutional Court will take place during the September parliamentary session which is due to open on 10 September. Candidates can be appointed until August 26 at 12 noon.

The posts of nine judges were released to the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic in February. Parliament was to elect twice more than 18 candidates, whose head of state was to appoint nine judges. Legislators have elected 14 candidates so far. The Constitutional Court currently has seven out of 13 judges. The President of the Slovak Republic, Zuzana Caputova, has stated that she will appoint constitutional judges only when she has received the total number of candidates.

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