A big step for Motorola. Do you know what it was?


V Friday 20th of July we had the 49th anniversary of the first landing on M esiaci . At the beginning of July 16, 1969 astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin began from planet Earth with the spacecraft Apollo 11 and wrote the first page of their history of gold

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An important role in this decisive moment was played by the S-Band Transponder Motorola ] 19659028] ] 19659037] [Traduction] 19659045] The Signs The Signs The Signs The Signs The Signs The Signs The Signs The Signs The signs The signs The signs The signs The signs The signs The signs The signs The signs 19659054] … " forever vryli to memo all generace

A milestone Motorola

This major event is the result of the years of innovation of the company Motorola devoted to the United States Space Program Explorer I in 1958 technology provided by Motorola to NASA data transfer and security improvement In 1965 19659078] 19659078 19659078 and Motorola worked closely together and ] with NASA to ensure the success of the 19659087 program . radio signals at three receiving stations on the emi. There their demodulators Motorola FM radio bands are converted to broadcasting and television

Motorola Aura

" in the control module Apollo a received the sign In 1965, 1965 Motorola Aura Exclusive version of Motorola Aura, Includes o Photographs, sound recordings and videos One can only guess [19659066] what a surprise Motorola will bring to [19659127] celebration e 50th to the transponder aboard the Apollo 11 lunar module transmitted and telemetri and ] followed, votes to communications and and television signals between the Earth and the Moon on the moon one of the events most watched of all time. NASA uses Motorola devices dep for many years for decades

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