A British partner poisoned by novices calls for justice


The English Office of Public Health and Funeral Services has taken a number of steps to protect deaf guests from contact with an annoying substance

. July 2018 at 11:49 TASR

LONDON. The funeral of British Dawn Sturgess, who died of poisoning on November 8 on a neural parasite, will be accompanied by extraordinary measures Monday.

The English Public Health and Funeral Service took a number of steps to protect deaf guests from contact with the annoying substance

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L & # 39: access to the coffin will be

See also: In England, a woman who poisoned her novice

died in England, a coffin with the body of Sturgess is already in the crematorium of Salisbury where will take place the ceremonies. The crayfish will remain open 15 minutes before the ceremony, and only parents will have access to it, so that they can say goodbye to the creature who died before the cremation. The diocese of Salisbury, Philip Bromley, said the ceremony would be safe.

Charlie Rowley, who was also exposed to the novice, told Sky News the funeral preparations that "Dawn would have deserved more,"

He also hoped that the last goodbye to Dawn Sturgess would help him to put off a poisoning.He said that he was "very angry" and that his priority was to seek justice for the death of a boyfriend

They found him Unconscious

Dawn Sturgess, a 44-year-old mother of three, died on July 8. Former Russian agent Sergey Skripar and her daughter, Julia, were poisoned in March

Sturgess was hospitalized with Charlie Rowley, a 45-year-old partner, for hours on Saturday, June 30, when they found them unconscious in their home in Amesbury. Scientists in Porton Down, UK, then confirmed that the couple was exposed to a clone of novices.

Rowley told S ky News that he remembered a partner

who had handed him an unfilled vial containing the deadly nerve agent. that it is a perfume. Sturgess walked at his wrist. Rowley did not remember where he had found the perfume box, but added that she "looked darling".

Rowley was also exposed to embarrassment for a long time in coma and his condition was critical

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