A Chinese scientist says that after his genetic modification, twins are born – the world – News


Che Jian-kiu, Chinese scientist, genetics, embryo

Chinese scientist Che Jinjiu says that he has genetically modified several human embryos and that twins are born of them.

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Chinese scientist Che Jinjiu says that he has genetically modified several human embryos and that twins are born of them. AP reported today, claiming that the allegation could not be independently verified.

But if the demand is confirmed, it will be the first genetically modified children.
The girls LuLu and Nana were born a few weeks ago, "
The British daily Daily Mail said today. {Target: _blank} ":[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/…d-China.html].

Genetic transcription on human embryos is prohibited in the United Kingdom and the United States.
and many other countries in the world, and many view it as contrary to the ethic
dangerous. There is concern about the transfer of genetic mutations to others
generations. More scientists have done genetic transcription in research
human embryos, but the modified embryos were developed only briefly
under laboratory conditions. Genetic transcription is also performed
research on adult cells.

Che Jian-kui, who studied in the United States and now works at the university
in Shenzhen, informed his project on the international
a conference that will begin in Hong Kong on Tuesday. He claims to have
permission of the Chinese authorities for experimentation and approval of the participants
partner couples. They officially participated in the program called
"Development of the AIDS vaccine".

A Chinese scientist who worked with the American scientist on the project
Michael Deem says that he had practiced artificially in the treatment of infertility
fertilization of seven pairs and one pregnancy. Genetic Target
According to him, the embryonic adaptations were intended to enable fathers with HIV to have young children,
which would have a lower risk of infection by the virus than it causes
incurable syndrome of acquired immune failure (AIDS).

The Shenzhen scientist used the so-called CRISPR / Cas9 technique, which
allows the replacement of the defective gene. He focused on the CCR5 receiver, which
allows HIV to enter the cell. In recent years, scientists
found that CCR5 mutation leads to HIV resistance or better
prognosis after infection.

Some have already described the Shenzhen scientists project as "irresponsible".
They argue, among other things, that even though the CCR5 edition was working perfectly,
people with an "abnormal" CCR5 have a higher risk of infection from others
virus, for example West Nile virus, which can be

Already in 2015, a scientific journal on the work of Chinese scientists,
which made the genome of the human embryo the first in the world. they have used
however, the embryos "not viable".

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