A crying utopian vision (Movie review) / CinemaView


The hotel Artemis has entered the cinema, which according to the distribution, can be a pleasant, discreet and peaceful summer refreshment. After watching the movie, you will understand that this is really the case. The problem is, however, that it should be completely different.

Producer and screenwriter Drew Pearce can give a comma for his directorial debut. Not everyone in their first film can boast that, for example, Jodie Foster who after five years returns to the world of cinemas or even more popular (though relatively unknown to us) ] Sterling K. Brown . The worst happens then if the starfish does not meet expectations, even if you do your robot well, as we are used to.

It is in 2028. There are riots in Los Angeles, people are disconnected from drinking water, the army and the police can not handle the situation, and the company who privatized the water is completely indifferent to people. Everything in one of the banks is played by a hostage drama, and so in the media res is the viewer at the center of the action. The introductory scene, however, partially prefers the character of the entire movie – the expectation of a great action is limited to a small sequence that is not attached. Through this, however, we will at least get to the hotel, which is old, forgotten, but inside there is a luxury medical equipment. It is there that the biggest criminals pay a special membership – to put them together in case of emergency. The best machines can brilliantly diagnose any problems, the 3D printer will make you a good new liver, and they do not want much – except for the money, there are only two rules – do not hire staff and do not kill other guests Hotel Artemis as an adaptation to the comic book. In the shadow of the secret accommodation, decent, but at the same time, they play the most important costumes, which the creators must take into account, even to emphasize the many existing we have.

About the guests is the old director of the hotel, a sister long break of action included the aforementioned Jodie Foster . The nanny puts everything in his role, but that is not enough, because he acts as a determined and carefree boss who will never break the rules, but close to the details in the details that make him a pathetic figure and detached in its final form. And this is not the only one. The others do not have the depth, the logic of the procedure or other little things. Without them, you feel that the film has not fulfilled its potential.

Hotel Artemis © 2018 MagicBox Slovakia

Unfortunately, it happened. The Artemis Hotel does not have a rich plot of a million times. There is a lot of glamor, but it is not attractive enough for ordinary spectators. So, if someone asks what the subject of the movie is, then you can not even get an answer like "a hotel" and it's really a shame.

The vision of the future presented here is not at all blurred. A few square meters, on which the whole film unfolds, the viewer first draws the mystery and the unusual use of his individual cultures. Even the problems we are trying to solve today – such as the glaring problems of global warming, the radical behavior of the population, or the slowness of corpses that often go by the dead, open up in the world. the film. For a better impression, a more sophisticated scenario was missing. It may work well on paper, but the viewer runs out in an hour and a half because he will look for something attractive, but he will not even come.

It is worth mentioning the guardian of the old lady and the chef of the hotel. Everest (played by the former wrestler Batista ) has de facto power and goodness. But how he talks about his medical skills all the time is more than stupidly stupid or even ridiculous. Even Rock, after leaving the wrestling world, is still striving to achieve the status of hero of action, but there is also potential for a good actor

Hotel Artemis © 2018 MagicBox Slovakia

The King of Wolves Jeff Goldblum . However, until the canvas "crumbles", he leaves it and leaves nothing behind him. Likewise, the printing of smaller patches, more suited to miniseries than to film, will also go away. Hotel Artemis will have some small stories, but will send them too fast to death.

(No) of the good action will wait for the end of the film. Throughout its duration, one has the impression of waiting for a good fight or a shot, but it ends at the very end and sometimes acts as a crunch. And so, do not forget that the movie just bores. Conclusion maybe you like it, but it is expected, it could be said steep and pathetic. To feel the effort to conclude a philosophical film, it should be somewhat philosophical on the canvas, even during the film.

Hotel Artemis had the potential, the right distribution and the right idea. None of them benefited from it.

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