A few days later, a spectacular celestial theater awaits us. A simple telescope is enough to watch


Illustrative picture.
Photo: shutterstock / Janez Volmajer

With the summer, the warm weather accompanies many opportunities to spend time under the night sky with the most beautiful part of the Milky Way. In addition, we can expect a magnificent theater paradise on June 10th.

The main performers will be Jupiter and his moons, which we will be able to observe with ordinary binoculars. Indeed, the largest planet in the solar system is in opposition to the Sun.

The four most important months of Jupiter, the "Fourth Month", will also attract attention. Month of Galilee. (Io, Europa, Callisto and Ganymedes).

Jupiter and his biggest months.

Jupiter and his biggest months. Photo: SHUTTERSTOCK / Vadim Sadovski

If you have an astronomical telescope at home, you will also see a huge storm – a large red spot characteristic of the surface of Jupiter. A month later, July 9 will belong to the planet Saturn, which will also be in opposition to the Sun. His rings will also be visible.

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