A gigantic bill for Roundup herbicide, the company must pay two billion USD – Economy – News



14.05.2019 09:17

When Bayer, a German company, bought Monsanto, a US producer of Roundup herbicide, has also been the subject of thousands of lawsuits.

The California jury has admitted more than two billion dollars Monday
a couple who sued Bayer for causing the cancer by the product
Roundup, which contains glyphosate, an allegedly carcinogenic herbicide. by
Reuters is the third and up to here the most difficult verdict against Bayer
for a controversial preparation.

The Oakland California Court Jury concludes that the company
Bayer is responsible for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, which is
blood cancer, Alva and Albert Pilliod.

Bayer denies that Roundup glyphosate contains
causes cancer. Bayer has bought Monsanto, a long-time manufacturer
Roundup, for $ 63 billion last year.

Glyphosate is the most common herbicide in the world and Roundup was the first
product that is based on the substance. But today, it is no longer protected
many other versions are available in the patent and the market. Bayer before
he admits that he faces thousands of lawsuits for this herbicide.

Glyphosate is the international research agency
cancer probably carcinogenic. On the contrary, the European Office for
Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and European Chemicals Agency (ECHA),
which the European Commission bases in its reports, considers glyphosate as
harmless. The California Federal Court ruled in March that it was a herbicide
Roundup causes cancer.

VIDEO: Farmer: Roundupe field looks like an explosion
atomic bomb

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