A good report from Greece, firefighters have managed to control almost all fires: 79 victims


According to the Greek Minister of Civil Protection, Nikos Toskas, one of the fires was located about 70 kilometers west of the capital Athens. They located it on a hill, Toskas said on Greek TV ERT. In the disaster affected areas east of Athens and in the port city of Rafina, rescue teams and volunteers continued to search for other victims in homes and apartments burned [19659002] <img src = "https://img.topky.sk/big/2223567.jpg/ateny-grecko-lesne-poziare.jpg" title = "Dobrá správa z Grécka," alt = "Source: SITA / AP Photo / Thanassis Stavrakis

In the meantime, Greece has also helped other countries: 60 Cypriot firefighters who came to the country on Tuesday night as part of the help of the 39 EU reached the west of Athens (19659005) Good news from Greece, "id =" 2223521 "border =" 0 "style =" width: 454px; "/>

Source: SITA / AP Photo / Yorgos Karahalis

"We are ready to leave, if the Greek side asks for additional assistance," said the European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid , Christos Stylianidis, for Greek television Tuesday night. The EU commissioner went to Athens to take a picture himself of the situation, writes the DPA. The destructive fires attributed to climate change. He justified that this year was not only in the south, but also in northern Europe, such as Sweden.

Fires made 79 victims

The forest fires that struck Greek Athens claimed at least 79 deaths. Firefighters spokeswoman Stavroula Malliri said Wednesday that rescuers continue to look for areas northeast of Athens where the fire caused the most damage. Teams move from house to house looking for burnt cars and beaches.

Malliri says authorities have already recorded dozens of phone calls for missing persons. Some of these people are apparently on the list of deceased persons, others have returned to their families, but the authorities have not informed them.

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras proclaimed Tuesday a three-day mourning "Greece is sad today, and for those we have lost, we proclaim a three-day mourning", [19659006]. "But we can not let the sadness overwhelm us, because these hours are hours of struggle, cohesion, courage and solidarity," he adds. Pope Frantisek prayed that he pray for the victims. Authorities fear that the death toll will increase. (F, f, q, f, q, f, q, f) returns (n ​​= f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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