A known blogger faces criticism: that's how the woman would say after birth


Do you really need to pay a baby every second of your life immediately after birth

Pregnancy is really difficult for a woman. A new life is growing for us in the 40th week, and it is more demanding and challenging day after day. Often after pregnancy comes a difficult and laborious birth, after which a stone falls from the heart The feeling of euphoria and happiness alternates the feeling of relief that our lucky happiness has finally come to the world.

Many women yearn to breathe for at least two hours to breathe until a baby-boot and a baby-sitting start. And that is why a lot of women are being criticized. Experts point out that there is nothing better for a baby than to be close to a mother But what woman who wants at least a moment of rest?

Being a devoted mother from the first second

And just for this review is one of the famous bloggers Constance Hall just brought her fifth child a few days ago Right after she was born, she added a photo to her social network, which almost instantly sentenced her.

At work, a fresh mother has a cell phone and drinks her favorite drink, while a baby cares for her baby People are greatly accused of paying more attention mobile than newborn care.

Not only a child but also a mother is essential

Constance does not make a big head of criticism. He also tries to encourage other moms to do things as they think and think for themselves. Being a mother does not mean that you must now look for the baby 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and put your needs on the second track.

Many moms agree with her and even share her own photos that capture moments after birth. We can also see a lot of women in pictures with their favorite drink, coffee or even fast food, after which we admire a lot during pregnancy, but for the health of the baby, they do not get it.

Another critical mother: Should she think about the size of her stomach?

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