A two-year exemption from insurance premiums applies only to installments Article | goods


Bratislava, July 16 (TASR) – The exclusion of payment of pension insurance premiums for retirees, which can be applied from 1.7.2018 up to 200 EUR per month, s & # 39 applies exclusively to legal relations based on agreements outside the employment relationship

If a retiree is employed on the basis of a contract of employment, it is not possible to claim a refund of 200 EUR per month. The employer has the duty to deduct the salary from the realistic contribution base and deduct the premium.

"The exemption from the payment of insurance premiums does not apply to the self-employed, unless the SZČO is obliged to be insured after the retirement pension or early retirement pension pension does not apply from the date of receipt of the disability insurance premiums: a CAI who pays the premium from the minimum contribution base and does not receive the said pension in the amount of EUR 151,16 TASR informed Peter Višváder, spokesperson for the social security policy

The SZČO with an old-age or early retirement pension is paid on the minimum premiums of EUR 123,80. disability pension is paid by the total amount of insurance

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