A young Maco was also chosen for Domaša's holidays


No vacationer expected! In the neighborhood of Domaše and Stropka, they noticed an animal that did not appear for several decades. The young maco seems to be looking for a new job.

They also saw bees in the villages of Ďapalovce, Piskorovce, Vojtovce, Kolbovce, Korunka or Brusnice. "About a kilometer in front of the village, I spotted a bear on the road. He was not laughing at all, even though I was looking through a ditch en route But I did not take the courage to get out of the car, forestry and bear workers did not know about the surroundings. "Take care, bear!" When they realized this that was going on, they preferred to pack their bags, "said Ján Demjan de Kolboviec, a private forestry worker, 19659004] VOJTOVCE, OKR “/> Open the gallery

Medveďa also observed in the village of Vojtovce " In the field He was seen by a bus driver when he came from Stropkov, " Mayor Vojtoviec Helena Kasardová nodded. "There is a big hobby in our country, and now people are fighting to go to the forest," said Mayor Tatiana Szabóová. However, according to the protector of Erik Balaj, there is no reason to panic "There are 130 bears living in the Tatras, and people go to hay", concluded.

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Protector Erik Baláž

– Bears often migrate out of their area of ​​occurrence . A young individual leaves, but usually returns from a territory where there is no permanent presence of bear. Such sightings have also occurred in other parts of Slovakia. Where it comes from, it's hard to say. When young men become self-reliant, I can also come from Romania. The closest habitat to the bear is in Poland and then to Bieszczady, Poland. (F, f, q, f, f, q, f, q, f, q, f, q) .callMethod?
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