According to Richter, Kozimir would be a worthy head of the NBS, Sulik does not agree


The transfer of Kažimir to the NBS was mentioned in the media for a long time

. July 2018 at 10:43 am TASR

BRATISLAVA. The current finance minister, Peter Kažimir (Smer-SD), has all the prerequisites to honorably fulfill the role of governor of the National Bank of Slovakia (SNB).

His colleague and Minister of Labor, Ján Richter, thinks it's

Personally, I believe Peter Kažimir has all the prerequisites to fulfill a very worthy role of the governor of the NBS, "said Richter Wednesday, July 25 in response to the media coverage of Kazimir

Richter: Kažimir is recognized in the Union

Kažimír surrenders to the National Bank, the ministry seems to end at the end of the year. year

Richter recalled, Kažimir is one of the most respected finance ministers of the European Union (EU). "Personally, I would like to get it doprial, even though this n & # 39; 39, is not an easy but responsible function, "added the head of the Ministry of Labor.

The opposite view is taken by the SaS opposition. According to her, Kažimir does not belong to the NBS

"If the information on the departure of Finance Minister Petr Kažimir at the head of the NB S is to prepare the appropriate atmosphere in the company, the SaS party clearly states that his candidacy would not support the parliament

Sulik has a different point of view on Kažimir

According to the president of SaS Richard Sulik, the current Minister of Finance has not used the favorable economic conditions in the world

"Constantly push back the period during which Slovakia should have a state budget Balanced and frequent measures to increase the tax-deductible burden – these are the typical characteristics of the head of the Ministry of Finance, Petr Kažimir, "added the SaS deputy and his teammate for the public Tuesday, July 24, writes the daily Sme Kažimir wants to figure in next year 's budget, which Parliament will usually negotiate in November

. He then plans to abandon his ministry and move to the central bank. He answered questions about his future for the words: "I'm working on the budget for next year."

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