According to the Kremlin, other cases of intoxication in Britain are disturbing


The police did not change the people found Saturday at their home in Amesbury, she only said that they were British citizens of the site, a 44-year-old woman and a 45-year-old man. According to media reports, it was Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess.

The Kremlin called the report another case of poisoning in Britain on Thursday. TASS said, referring to Dmitry Pesek, spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"This is a very disturbing message." Of course, this raises serious concerns about similar incidents in Britain, "Peskov said, calling for the victim to recover quickly

British Anti-Terrorism Police reported on Wednesday that the two people found Saturday in critical condition in Amesbury were exposed … nerve-type neoplasm.This is the same poisoned substance in the future city of Salisbury by former Russian agent Sergey Skripa and her daughter Juliju, reported Thursday British Interior Minister Ben Wallace, attacking the substance of the novices against Scorpions. "They could tell us what happened, what they have and fill in some of the important gaps that we are trying to make clear. I wait for a phone call from the Russian state, "said Mr. Wallace.

Not a direct goal

Kremlin spokesman Pesskov said:" Russia categorically denies and will continue to categorically refuse any involvement in what is happening "

He noted that Britain had rejected Russia's request for a joint investigation and added that" the British side has not provided any evidence of the involvement of Russia in these allegations (except) unsubstantiated. "

she only said that they were British citizens of a given place, a 44-year-old woman and a 45-year-old man.According to the media, it was Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess.

According to Wallace, this pair was not a direct target, it could be the result of a bad situation. a previous attack on the Scribes or something else

.The whole case caused a dip break Serious lomatique between Russia and the West

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