Actor Alda, known to M.A.S.H., has Parkinson's disease


NEW YORK, July 31 ( – The actor, filmmaker and American writer Alan Alda is suffering from Parkinson's disease. A 70-year-old New York native released him on Tuesday in the CBS TV show This Morning, diagnosing him three and a half years ago. ” am-card-image=”top” data-lazy-srcset=”×54.jpg 81w,×208.jpg 312w,×448.jpg 672w,×80.jpg 120w” sizes=”(max-width: 81px) 100vw, 81px” data-dominant-color=”#e0bbbe”/>

The actor believes that the publication of this report may help other people with the same diagnosis. He talked about the illness after noticing that he had started crying during his recent television interviews and, as he noted, it's only a matter of time when fans would speculate on his health.

He stated that the first manifestations of the disease until a few months ago. "You can still do a lot of things.Three times a week I go to boxing classes and I play tennis a few times a week."

Alan Alda

  • Alphonso Joseph D'Abruzzo is from New York Bronx, his parents having Italian Irish Ancestors. His name Alda became the first two letters of Alphonso and D'Abruzzo.
  • He has appeared in various theatrical performances since his childhood, and later arrived on Broadway. His first film was the drama The days they are behind us (1963), but Glory became like Hawkeye Pierce in the M.A.S.H. (1972 – 1983), which earned him five Primetime Emmy and six Golden Globes
  • M.A.S.H. was also his first film, with 32 episodes under his direction. He also directed The Four Years (1981) or Betsy (1990), and he also played
  • in the Murder at the White House (1997), The City of Shadows (1997) (2000), Letec (2004) ), Most Spies (2015) and Woody Allen Pictures (1989), The Mysterious Murder in Manhattan (1993), or Everybody Say: I Love You (1996). From 1957, he is married to a photographer and writer Arlene Alda with whom she has three daughters

The information comes from the site and the archive SITA

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