Actor Dušan Cinkota is at liberty: He is out and … These are his first words!


Dušan Cinkota is a well-known actor, who was also made visible through dubbing. His most famous roles include Chandler Bing (Matthew Perry) from the Friends series. He also took Sonny's robot into Ja, a robot. He has often nicknamed Adam Sandler and Tom Hanks, who has spoken in more than 15 films. In 2006, he also presented a reality TV show on YOG in 2000.

In December 2012, he was sentenced to prison for repeated drug problems – in 2007, he found a pervitin, but five years later he was sentenced and he was detained for 8 years. He was two-thirds and, according to the law, he was entitled to the parole he had used and was released on Wednesday

. "The Trenčín District Court Senate declared at a public meeting that all the conditions allow the sentenced person to be released on condition of serving a custodial sentence. three quarters of the sentence of imprisonment, performing his duties and by his conduct in punishment, he showed an improvement and, in the opinion of the district court, he can hope to live in the city. future. " Roman Tarabus, the court also set a probationary period of 30 months during which he was supervising when he was sentenced to have a normal life

Cinkota had been replaced by several condemning institutes until recently he had been honored for good conduct – eleven have congratulated him – in Trencin, which is a prison with the highest degree of vigilance, and he even waved regular walks, passing with his wife, Zuzana who was patient with the actor for years, and with whom he even conceived his shot dead the first child. will be able to enjoy his life in the middle of dinner before he leaves the hospital door for the convicted and accused in Trencin with a smile on his face and a guitar in his hand. There were friends waiting in front of the building

"It can not be described, I'm happy and breathing, trying to breathe, I'm happy to be outside, I'm looking forward to Zuzanka and family.I listen to my wife's belly.We expect a son to be born in september. " said Cinkot's first words, which he told TV Markie and at the same time admit that he missed his family in addition to his family. "I was all there, a laundromat, a tailor, a cook, a dishwasher," said an actor who had fans near him and he was ready to take a picture. "I greet all my supporters and I look forward to them", added and admitted that he already has several job offers now. Then put in the car and leave the house

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