Additional students receive all three faculties of medicine


The Faculty of Medicine of the Comenius University and Pavel Jozef Šafárik University receive additional students.

The Faculty of Medicine of the Comenius University (LF UK) of Bratislava will receive 40 additional students during the first year of the program of studies in general medicine. (19659003) The Dean of Juraj Šteňo faculty decided to do so immediately after signing a contract for the granting of a special grant from the state budget, which will be used to cover the cost of teaching.

"This decision is approved by the secretary of faculty Adela Kubíniová. (19659005) An additional increase in the number of students has already been confirmed by the Faculty of Medicine of the University Pavol Jozef Šafárik (LF UPJŠ) in Košice and by the Jessenius Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Martin.

"We are able to take 30 more students in general medicine and 10 more in dentistry in the next school year . The other candidates with the highest score will be accepted, "said Jaroslava Oravcová, Public Relations Officer, LF UPJŠ

Faculties of Medicine respond to the statement of Prime Minister Petr Pellegrini (Smer-SD), who called them on Friday July 13 increase the number of students in the next school year, which would reduce the shortage of doctors in Slovakia in the future.The Faculty of Medicine of Bratislava, Martine and Košice is expected to additionally accommodate 185 new students in general medicine and cost about two million euros

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