After three years, we are waiting for the complete eclipse of the Moon


The observation of a unique phenomenon will also be possible at the Tekovská Observatory in Levice

BRATISLAVA, LEVICE. On Friday, July 27, the longest lunar eclipse will be the longest of this century. The full stretching phase lasts almost 104 minutes. Three years ago, it only took 73 minutes.

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The extraordinary length of the eclipse is given by the Moon that goes very close

In case of good weather , it will also be possible to observe all his career in Slovakia. The moon will appear above the horizon at 20:24 just at the time of partial partial exacerbation. Closing will end on Saturday, July 28, approximately 20 minutes past midnight. Another complete eclipse of the moon will take place Monday, January 21, 2019 and its complete phase will last 102 minutes
The lunar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon in which the Earth's shadow falls to the surface of the Moon. It occurs in time around the splint when the moon, during its orbital motion, approaches the extended Sun-Earth connector and enters the Earth's shadow. However, it is not the shadow of the earth's surface, a so-called geometric shadow but a shadow influenced by the Earth's atmosphere

"The observation of eclipses in the past, the relationship between the magnitude of the Earth's shadow, the brightness and color of monthly eclipses on the other hand, the lateral and volcanic and meteoric activity, which conditions the amount of dust in an upper atmosphere from about 100 km and so the spread of curvature and light.When observing the monthly eclipses, we can see the degree of total dusting and pollution of the Earth's atmosphere in places where the Sun emerges or fainting at sunset, "says J. Koza

The Tekov Observatory at Levice will be at Sokolovska Street from 20:30

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