After Trenčín he was hitting a good exot


He was chosen for a trip. In Trencin, the inhabitants experienced a real shock, streets from Sunday afternoon to Monday lunch skipping a good exot.

Kengura Johny came from the minizoo of Juraj Chorváta, who alerted the vet and the traveler hiding under the tree to the Váh's finally drowned with a

two year old Australian animal disappeared from the aviary in the minizoo where Juraj still has a trout pond and there is also the goose or rabbit, even on Sunday afternoon "Probably Johny dropped somebody, he could not open ", the owner of kengura, who published the search for a pet on the social network, thinks. On Monday morning, the gentleman who had seen his kenguru came in.

"I discovered it all around walnut and spent about 3-4 kilometers," Juraj said. Then he quickly summoned the Pelican Veterinary Outpatient to the Trenčín tournament, which he knew to be able to make a boring trip. "He is fast and shy, so that's the only way to catch him", pointed out the kengura owner who wants to buy the outfit and Johnny's friend. Kengura, after hitting the sleeping arrow, took over a few times, but veterinarian Jakub Krišl finally managed to load him into the car and bring him back to the minizoo, which the owner intends to better secure [1965900] t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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