Against Trumps protesting in Scotland thousands of people, he plays golf


There was not even a huge balloon showing Trump as a cruel and masterful child.

Thousands of people descended on Saturday in the streets of Scottish Scotland to protest against an ongoing visit to US President Donald Trump in the UK. Similar events are also organized in several other Scottish cities, but Edinburgh is the largest ever organized to date. Police recruited about 9,000 people, the organizers themselves said that up to 60,000 protesters were reported on the streets of the Scottish capital, reported the BBC

Protesters marched to Edinburgh from the Scottish Parliament at Meadows Public Park. There was not even a huge balloon showing the Trump as a grumpy and masterly child with a mobile phone in hand as he attended a protest in London on Friday. The discharge of this balloon did not allow the Scottish Parliament, but it was possible to appear in the park. The march was held in a happy carnival, accompanied by musicians playing gays or tambourines.

Trump himself played golf at his golf show in Turnberry, West Scotland, where he also spends his weekend with the Melanie weekend, a private part of his visit to Britain, and The words of his advisers are preparing for the next summit in Helsinki, Finland, where he will meet on Monday the Russian President Vladimir Putin

Protestant picnic

Saturday, a small peaceful demonstration – picnic protest on the beach – was held near the Scottish Trump Station. Demnstrators called slogans like "Trump is a racist!" or "Trump is a loser!" A woman also attempted to climb the wall surrounding the neighborhood itself, but the police stopped her on time.

Protesters from the Trump Department separate a number of police officers assembled, including police officers.

Scottish police confirmed Saturday the search for a paraglider who flew over the Turnberry station with a Greenpeace protest banner Friday night. A police man broke a no-fly zone over a hotel in Turnberry, Western Scotland, and committed a crime.

Greenpeace, an international environmental NGO, announced that paragliding had developed a "Trump: Deep Under" banner. migration policy. At the same time, Greenpeace said it was informing the police of the ten minutes before the end of the flight

Donald Trump arrived on Thursday for his first official visit to the UK to the president's office. In London, against his policy, about 100,000 people were fighting Friday afternoon according to the organizers. Turnberry leaves US President Helsinki for a summit on Monday with Russian President Vladimir Putin

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