Agrorezort appeals for the construction and reconstruction of caves throughout Slovakia


Matecka's challenge responds to the acute shortage of cave sites

23. July 2018 at 11:02 TASR

BRATISLAVA. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MPRV) of the Slovak Republic calls for the construction and reconstruction of caves throughout Slovakia

The Integrated Regional Operational Program (IROP) has close to 13.5 million euros. The Minister of Agriculture Gabriela Matečná (SNS) informed Monday

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Acute scarcity of places

The call by Matecka responds to the acute shortage of places and also increases demands on the quality of care

"With this call, hundreds of new places will be created in caves all over Slovakia," said Matecka.

"The appeal with an allocation of nearly 13.5 million euros aims to modernize and rebuild existing caves." Marek Mitošinka, Director General of the Regional Development Program of the Ministry of Regional Development and Development. Public Works of the Czech Republic

added that it is a condition of the call to create new places in the gorges

Can apply for funds

The funds of the & 90 [[[[[[[[196519651965196519651965IROParemmunicipalitieslegalentitiesestablishedorestablishedbyamunicipalitycityorautonomousdistrictlegalentitiesestablishedorestablishedbyautonomousregionsaswellasnon-governmentalnon-profitorganizations

However, the condition must not be the licensed supplier.Therefore, the challenge is not to limit those who still want to enter the market

The deadline for submitting applications is September 10, 2018. "In September of next year, the first capacity could already be realized," said Mitošinka

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