AIDS efforts under threat


Geneva, July 18 (TASR) – The goals of the fight against AIDS are threatened by the United Nations. In the 50 countries of the world, the number of new cases of HIV infection is increasing, said Wednesday the director of the Joint United Nations Program on HIV / AIDS (UNAIDS), Michel Sidibé, quoted by the United Nations. APD . He pointed out that the regions are stagnating. Previous results in curbing new cases of childhood illness are unsustainable, funds for AIDS are lower than many politicians have promised, major population groups are ignored

Since 2010, the number of new infections decreased by 18% to the previous 1.8 million. However, this decline is not fast enough to reach the goal of less than 500,000 new deployments by 2020. [19659002] The total amount of $ 20.6 billion (17.6 billion euros) available in 2017 for action against AIDS and HIV were not enough for Sidby. Achieving the 2020 goals will only be possible with additional resources

By the year 2017, 36.9 million people infected with HIV worldwide have been infected, most of them from the US. between them in Africa. Called. Antiretroviral treatment received a record 21.7 million patients

In the most affected countries of eastern and southern Africa, progress in the fight against HIV and AIDS is most striking, according to the report. report from UNAIDS. They published it just days before the World AIDS Conference, which will begin in Amsterdam on 23 July.

In Eastern Europe and parts of Asia, the number of new HIV infections has doubled, according to the administration. An increase in the number of viral infections resulting in a deadly loss of immunity is also evident in the Middle East and North Africa. In particular, women are affected. In addition, 6,600 young women aged 15 to 24 are infected with HIV each week with sexual violence

In the year 2017, about 940,000 people died from the effects of HIV infection. HIV. Since the beginning of the global epidemic in the mid-1980s, HIV infection has infected 77.3 million people and 35.4 million patients have lost their lives

of here by 2020, 90% of people infected with HIV should know their HIV. infection and 90 percent of this number should receive treatment. 90 percent of them should not be a virus in the blood to suppress its overgrowth, according to DPA

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