Air Force One for Trumpa makes Boeing – Economy – News


US aircraft manufacturer Boeing won a contract for two 747-8 aircraft destined for the Air Force One presidential fleet. They must have them in December 2024. It was announced Tuesday by the Pentagon

The agreement was preceded by an informal agreement between Boeing and the White House
from February this year, which took place after President Donald Trump
criticized the previous Air Force plane tickets agreement
One for 4 billion dollars (3.42 billion dollars). Trump has moved
social networks Twitter that these "expenses are out of control" and
added: "Cancel the order!"

According to the White House, a new February agreement saves taxpayers
more than $ 1.4 billion, but these savings can not be confirmed
from Independent Sources

In the Air Force Budget Documents, which were published
February for the 2019 fiscal year, the estimated cost of buying these
aircraft of $ 3.9 billion. The same budget document of the year
2018, which has not been adjusted for inflation, showed a price of $ 3.6 billion.

The Boeingy 747-8s are designed to be an air force "White
house ", able to fly even in the worst possible
security scenario such as nuclear war

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