Air Force rescuers were on alert today: Helping injured cyclists and tourists in the Tatra Mountains


"The doctor was responsible for the accident with the help of the rope, the patient was already aware, in cooperation with the rescuers, of the stabilization of head trauma by airborne transfer to the l 39; Poprad Hospital ". VZZS) Air-Transport Europe Zuzana Hopjaková

Helicopter rescuers then move towards the bullets of the High Tatras towards Žabím. A 38-year-old tourist fell on the hiking trail, causing an injury to the lower limb and could not continue alone. "In the transport seat, he was evacuated from the place, his doctor finished the necessary treatment, and the rescue helicopter with the patient was again directed to the "Poprad Hospital" from the Bystrá mountain, where a group of Slovak tourists struck lightning. The 196-year-old woman remained unconscious, suffered milder body burns, spinal cord injuries, and lower limbs Even with this intervention, rescuers used the winch technique. directly to the wounded, " stated Hopjak (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq)) was transferred to the Poprad hospital after treatment, after processing, return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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