Airbus believes in big planes. Cargo Beluga XL has first stolen, the Airbus A380 lives – Economy – News


Airbus thinks big planes have a chance. The Superjumbo A380 is still offered and the Beluga XL is developed in the category of cargo aircraft

Airbus for the first time at the Farnborough Air Fair in London
does not offer its A380 transport giant

Speculation on stopping production of superjumba appeared already last year
autumn, at a time when it was unclear whether Emirates was the airline
orders for new machines. The order has finally arrived and the speculation temporarily

  The airbus cargo crew ...

Airbus Beluga XL beckons to the viewer after the first test
flight to the airport of Toulouse-Blagnac July 19, 2018. New cargo
Airbus is built to carry large components of aircraft
individual manufacturers at an assembly plant in Toulouse. C & # 39; was based on that
for Airbus 330-200 designers. The new Airbus BelugaXL is waiting ten
months of demanding flight tests
Author: TASR / AP, Frederic

In Farnborough, the Airbus Man Tom
Williams. He expressed the belief that the A380 had the best moment before just before
them. This should come in the next decade. For next year
they should leave only eight in the meeting room.

Williams reiterated his concern about the Brexite approach. Airbus
makes wings in Britain. The group's management recently threatened to have them

At the trade fair in Britain, there was not even his new Beluga transport plane
XL. Its first test flight took place Thursday in France

Airbus is dedicated to the development and production of giant transport aircraft.
over 20 years old. He needs them to have the most efficient transportation
from production to assembly plant of large aircraft components

Belugy XL prototype failed after more than four hours and 11 minutes of flight
at the airport of Toulouse.

The transport space of the machine is magnificent. He will sit for example by seven
elephants or two wings for the A350. Small precursor
The Belugy, its official name is A300-600ST, has managed to carry a single
wing. The new beluga measures 18.90 meters in height and 63.10 meters in length
wings 60.3 meters. It takes 53 tonnes of freight, equivalent to 37 adults
belugas bearing the name

The Airbus management has decided to produce a giant transport plane
at the end of 2014. In 2019, the first machine will be used for the transport of goods.
The cost of development and production of five new aircraft is a
Billion euros

Airbus plans to produce five Belug XL from here 2023. It will have them for
own need. The five little Belgians, who they use now, gradually
will be downgraded.

The Beluga XL still does not have the necessary tests, so the manufacturer can
asks EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) that the authorization be included
normal operation. While he may ask, the machine must fly
600 hours

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