Alarm at the airport of Munich, Germany


The German authorities had to close one of the terminals of the Bavarian airport on Saturday morning.

The case was an unknown woman who entered the security zone without being properly screened, reported DPA

The incident occurred in the morning at Terminal 2 of the Munich International Airport ] with the adjacent satellite terminal closed and evacuated, the search for the woman was still in progress. There was also an adjacent satellite terminal

The operation was restored only after a few hours, about the second hour of the afternoon, when the police searched the terminal thoroughly. However, according to the available information, the woman still has not found and always sought. The police had at their disposal a portrait of the portraits captured by the security cameras;

The event caused delays and cancellations of flight and a long wait for security checks In Bavaria, the school holidays began on Friday, so that there were a lot of passengers at Munich Airport

According to DPA, the incident provided for the cancellation of at least 200 flights and a sixty delay of more than half an hour [19659008]! f, b, e, v, n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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