Ali Chamenei declined calls to negotiate with Donald Trump


The main Iranian leader, Ali Chamenei, does not allow any discussion with US President Donald Trump. Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, on Saturday rejected the appeal of his line of government to negotiate with US President Donald Trump. "

" It would be a huge mistake to think that we can solve the problems through negotiations with the United States, "said Chamenei, who has the final say in Iran's strategic decisions. Washington of the nuclear agreement with Tehran, he adds that he can not trust the Americans because even their signature has no value

Iran, despite the oil wealth , recently fell into an economic crisis, worried by the reintroduction of sanctions against Tehran after the United States withdrew in May from a multilateral agreement on the Iranian nuclear program signed in Vienna in 2015.

last December, he refused eight Trump's

that he wants to preserve the nuclear deal but only if the remaining five signatories (Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia) can guarantee that I Ranians will not be economically isolated following the sanctions that the United States has resurrected

Hasan Rouchan's state leaders this week said the president rejected eight trump requests for bilateral talks Last year. Iran's pro-reform politicians are demanding direct talks with Trump, especially given the current economic crisis in the country, said DPA

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