Allergic, beware! PHOTO The store sold gluten-free gluten-free pasta, an immediate measure


Senec's RVPS inspectors took a sample of "Gluten-free Oatmeal 4 – Short Macaroni" in the Coop Unit at Galante in the Coop Unit's operation at Galante, which declared the date of minimum durability until March 5, 2019.

that the food inspection has withdrawn from the market.

  ŠVPS SR inspectors found

Source: ŠVPS SR

ŠVPS SR informed that the product sample showed the presence of allergenic glutamine at 75.30 milligrams per kilogram, which is contrary to the description of the product ""

Pasta that the food inspection has withdrawn from the market.

  ŠVPS SR inspectors found

Source: ŠVPS SR

The Hungarian company M-Gel Hungary kft produces 250 grams of unsatisfactory pasta. and the distributor is the Slovak company EWOX Trade sro

The inspectors ordered a non-conforming product to withdraw immediately from the market

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