Amazing what the tourists wanted to fly to the Auschwitz concentration camp


Two Hungarian tourists who wanted to take the bricks from the ruins of a crematorium of the former concentration camp of Auschwitz (Oswiedzim) in Poland, sentenced to a conditional sentence and a fine of 346 euros. Informed Deutsche Welle radio station

A 30-year-old woman and a 36-year-old man were the perpetrators of the robbery attempt over the weekend. Their deportation was reported to the police by other foreign tourists who found during a visit to the Birkenau museum that a Hungarian couple was trying to hide their stolen bricks in their backpacks

Hungarian tourists tried to clarify their actions by taking bricks as a souvenir.

A spokesman for the Polish Police District Administration, Mateusz Drwal, reported that the man and woman were accused of stealing cultural heritage. Both were sentenced to a prison term of 1,500 zlotys (350 euros) annually suspended with one year in prison.

The concentration camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau became a symbol of the Holocaust. Slavs, homosexuals or other "enemies of National Socialism". In 1979, the concentration camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Flights in the past

Hungarian tourists were not the first visitors to have stolen some of the artifacts of the former Nazi death camp

In December 2015, two British teenagers were were apprehended at theft of exhibits from a building where Nazi prisoners were storing personal belongings confiscated from prisoners. During the physical examination of the young men, they found stolen objects – pieces of rim, spoon, buttons and two pieces of glass

. In March 2014, they arrested an Italian tourist trying to remove a piece of barbed wire. In 2009, a four meter metal plate with the German inscription Arbeit Macht Frei (Work Released), which stood above the camp's entrance gate, was stolen. Three thieves were sentenced to imprisonment ranging from six months to two and a half years

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