Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is officially the richest man in history


The ranking of the world's richest Bloomberg Billionaires Index crossed Monday a milestone of one mile. The world's richest man was named CEO of the Amazon 54-year-old Jeff Bezos with $ 19 billion from $ 192 to $ 55 billion, instead. What's more important, however, Jeff Bezos has overtaken Gates even in the historical chart after counting for inflation. Bill Gates, the largest single asset in 1992, bought Bill Gates in 1992 when his $ 100 billion worth of assets were repaid today. That's why Jeff Bezos is the richest man in history, but he was created in 1982.

Behind Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates, there is a young man of 34 years, founder and head of the social network Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. His property has reached 83.8 billion dollars and dominates the young billionaires. Fourth, followed by Warren Buffett, a $ 79.2 billion media and veteran media mogul, including Bernard Arnault, the French boss of luxury fashion, made $ 75 billion. TOP 10 also includes Google's founders Larry Page (8th place) and Sergey Brin (9th place). And where is the visionary and the head of Tesla or SpaceX, Elon Musk? In 41st place with $ 21 billion of assets. Although Jeff Bezos can not compete with the property, the orders for his SpaceX are certainly larger than for Jeff Bezosa's Blue Origin

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