Americans arrested Russian agent, accused of conspiracy


According to the authorities, Russian intelligence agent Mariu Butin was arrested for attempting to influence US policy.

Federal offices in the United States detained Mrs. Maria Butin of Russia and accused her of acting as a Russian agent in the United States. AP reported.

According to the prosecution, a 29-year-old woman had to try to infiltrate American political organizations, including a group to promote the protection of the right to own a weapon

Photos on Social Watch as she played at the National Shooting Association (NRA), which aims to protect civil rights in the United States by focusing on supporting the possession of firearms by civilians under the second amendment to the United States Constitution.

  Maria Butinová

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Kremlin instructions

Booty was to work under the orders of a senior official directly from the Kremlin. This comes from documents published today by a Washington court. They arrested her yesterday on conspiracy charges to act as an unregistered agent of the Russian government.

It is recalled in the court documents that Russia was working on behalf of the unchanged official of the Russian Federation to influence the leaders of American politicians and develop relations with other political organizations between 2015 and 2017. [19659003OntheTrump-PutineveUSinvestigatorsaccused12RussiancitizensofinterferingwiththeUSpresidentialelectionButifthisgroupalsobelongedtoBootywedonotknow

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