And enough, Meghan! Prince Harry (33) has already cracked the nerves


Duchess Meghan (36) seems to test the patience of the British monarchy. Although her royal family has forgiven all the traps she has recently committed, she refuses to change her behavior. This time, however, Prince Harry has been duplicated.

Just a few months before the royal wedding of a former American actress and a ruddy prince, they surfaced information that Meghan Markle had literally invaded the royal family. It only took a few months before Harry realized that the former star of Kravaťáci was considered an ideal of beauty

The fact that the royal family had made a spell for a long time confirmed his father-in-law. In their words, most of her life was trying to be a beloved princess Diana, her death literally raised her and she had been crying for several hours. "She wanted to be like Diane, but it will not happen, she's not like her, she's like a kid, but she does not even talk to her family," http: / / " shortly before the marriage is betrayed by stepfather Thomas Thomas

  Meghan Markle refuses to give up his pants, but Prince Harry does not. [19659005 Meghan Markle refuses to give up her pants, but Prince Harry does not.
 Photo by Chris Jackson
<p>  Looks like Meghan did not let go of his childhood model, just the opposite. During the official trip to Australia, which will take place in the coming weeks, she bought, like Princess Diana, a set of men's suits But not only Queen Elizabeth II, who led the Duchess of Kate after entering the British palace, had extended her skirt, but even her own husband, who was known as the rebel family. He finds men's suits, which can be testified to Meghan trying to imitate his dead mother, with his half-masquerading. </p>
<figure class=
  Princess Diana after "going out" of the royal family more and more often in costumes of leggings. The photo is with his older sister William.

Princess Diana, after the "outing" "of the royal family appeared more and more in pants suits.The photo is with her older sister William.

Photo: profimedia

Excited about respectful behavior is not even people who care about the image of the British monarchy. While the exposed shoulders were inappropriate at a formal celebration as they did, the leggy costume is already outdated. But she did not prevent the newly married duchess from getting a few costumes at a time, and that's what she did in the royal family.

  Meghan did not forgive her pants even at Wimbledon, where she chose her brother-in-law Kate Middleton.

Meghan did not forgive her pants even at Wimbledon, where she chose with her brother-in-law Kate Middleton.

Photo: Images from getty

Aristocratic hock with blue blood suspected that a former American star would not be a typical obedient wife, so the rebellion decided not to wait until two months after the wedding. It is hard to say, however, if the stubborn Meghan gives up on her husband and gives up her fashion style. The queen alone decides whether she will be able to pack inappropriate costumes. However, it is not a secret that she has a new family member in her favor, so we have to wait for the rebel to adapt another royal protocol

See also :

  • Harry, let's do something! Meghan's father tries to have a mistress
  • VIDEO The duchess walks by: Meghan, what do you have, for God's sake?
  • Meghan and Kate are so amused: you have the same place for 10 euros!

Swear in the ankete and write to us in the discussion while you perceive Meghan and his transgressions …

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