And the famous Thai cave? The film and the museum are both going


The cave is a tourist attraction.

BANGKOKG, BRATISLAVA. The tour guide writes about Tham Luang as a cave with an "enchanting entry room", which leads to signposted paths and then to several other rooms and stone formations.

Several officials have warned that rooms are often flooded, and so (19659005)

See also: The finalists in the cave will not be able to get the final results. What will happen next?

In mid-June, their demands ended unanswered. Tham Luang lies to the north along the border with Burma, apart from the main tourist routes, so many people do not go there.

Everything changed the rescue of the twelve boys and their coach they were looking all over the world. At the end of June, they were surprised by the heavy rain and they crashed out of the cave by the east.

Eight days later, everyone was on the surface and is currently under observation at the hospital. But Thais are starting to think about how to use the attention that the operation has caused.

Museum Live [Theyalsohavemoreaccuratemarkingsandmorestringentcontrolstopreventthesamekindofsmall-scaleoperationsfrombeingproduced"regularlyasthemaintouristattractionsinThailand"headded

Part of the plan will be to "revive" the surrounding national park, where hundreds of rescuers and soldiers from Thailand and Foreigners have lived in the last three weeks. [ad_2]
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