Andrej Kiska: "I went to Pohode for the last time as president, I do not go to politics, we must take power"


Trenčín 7 July 2018 (HSP / Photo: video of the screen)

The President presents today on Pohode

Photo taken by Andrej Kiska after being staged on stage, Kušníř, Zlatica Kušnírová . In addition to the elder of Jan Kuciak and Peter Bárdy, editor of Aktualit

the Slovak President Andrej Kiska has presented himself today at the Pohoda Festival, as he l '. had promised yesterday on the social network. After the discussion led by Peter Bárdy, editor-in-chief of the murdered journalist and his fiancée, Jan Kuciak, the eldest and Zlatica Kušnířová, the president spontaneously took the stage and took care of the surviving relatives

published in the wolf on the social network: 19659002 It is likely that none of us who died as a child can imagine the tragedy that the parents are going through. Probably none of us can imagine that his child was brutally murdered. But we all know that we can not give up. That the memories of Ján Kuciak and Martina Kušnířová do not fall asleep and will move us forward

I admire the parents of John and Martina that I can stand in front of thousands of people despite the fact. tremendous suffering and talk about the misfortunes that they have experienced. It is something that can not be described in words. "

Subsequently, on Pohode, the president discussed with Štefan Hríb

as president, but he does not leave politics." I went in Pohode for the last time as president. But I will remain active in politics. We must change the political map of Slovakia, we must return to Slovakia what it deserves. We did it and I think we will, "he said

. However, even harder words like "we must take power", what Stephan Hrib asks him to do is what he wants to do

. has many conversations with political parties with whom he shares common values, but also with young people who think that he is "a huge prospect".

"The good news is that, according to the polls, Happy as taste, the new energy of things to move it is

The second thing I noticed was that it was not a good thing. "It's not necessary to be skeptical that there are a lot of parties," he said, this only contributes to the collapse of several parties. " I think Kiska is just an ordinary man who is trying to help the country and has people who love him and who hate him. I tell people to go vote, it is not Kiska, it is just a good holiday. But he himself admitted that people should consider which side has chances and that parties should have personal reflection and should be "

Štefan Hrib laughed at not having a precise answer, so he joked "My advice is that the president also installs and goes to the elections. The president is laughing now, so yes. "

When he questioned the presidential candidates, he said familiarly:" That's Robo Mistrik, Zuzana Caputova and Fero Miklosko. "

As the strongest moments of his presidency Andrej Kiska

He also mentioned in front of young people how he was astonished at the meeting with the former Archbishop Roberto Bezak, who pleaded for him. The Church's statement that it should work differently It was a lot in the positive sense


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