ANIMOFEST 2018 – Results | Teaching newspapers


This year was the culture of animation on Animofeste 2018 very rich. About 80 films from 16 countries were recorded. The festival jury selected 35 animated films in the Animofest 2018 Contest and 12 feature films in the UAT Film 2018 contest . Animofest is unique in mapping the creation of high school students in an international context. For busy SSU students, it's a chance to confront the creation of high school students from other schools. The animation films of the candidates have benefited from a wide range of animation techniques, from classic drawing, puppetry, 2D animation to 3D animation, capture motion, rotoscopy, pixelation, etc.

An animated film of the USA by director Jae Bae . The movie is a beautiful story about how a mobile phone loves an old mom and her granddaughter. At one point, however, it is obsolete as a new type. The old mother throws him into the drawer between useless things. The phone moves his successor at night. The hunt begins to live and die. By the time the frightened successor has already fallen off the table and burst, the photographer takes the picture of an old mom and a granddaughter sent by a new high-resolution cell phone. An old mobile phone thinks about it and saves it. It's morning. The old mother raises a new cellphone from the ground and looks at her display on her granddaughter's phonograph with love. An old cell phone with a broken screen falls behind a window in a basket between old discarded devices. The film was made with a classic 2D animation. The relatively simplified illustration is balanced by a good cut, an animation and a soundtrack. The story is nicely updated, and it has also been downgraded.

The second place was the film Samuel Fulec, student of the animated work of SSUŠ, Blut Medizin. The film takes place in a medieval city affected by the plague. There is a plague in the city that cures the sick with leeches. One day, a patient comes to him and he heals the leeches traditionally. However, "the intervention" is complicated and the doctor must solve the problem at all costs … This medieval story has elements of cruelty, a certain morbidity, and the scenery, landscapes and still lifes that appear in the The film was animated in the Toon Boom Harmony program and sounds in Adobe Audition, and the composition was done in Adobe After Effects, and the entire movie is deliberately underrated in the green. to exacerbate the plague that plagues the city

Third place also received an animated work student from SSUŠ, Martina Štammová, for the film Sen Matthew dream dreams mysterious beautiful forest. he does not understand it because at the time the nature does not exist: he is in the train and travels through the futuristic city, he falls asleep and dreams of being alone. a beautiful paradise forest. and Matthew gets off the train, looking in the countryside. The forest is dead, the trees are broken, nature is destroyed. This 3D animation movie has been implemented in several programs. In the 3ds Max program, a Tree Landscape was created and in the Zbrush High Poly model with textures and UV maps. Maya animated. The resulting rendering was animated again in 3ds Max and the resulting post-production in Adobe After Effects. Students of the animated work of SSUŠAT work on their drawing tablets – Cintiqy

Within Animofest 2018, competitions were also held:

UAT GRAPHIC – for students in graphic design. Adrián Gubrica / SSUŠAT / with a critical design – THINK IT

UAT PHOTO – for students in photographic design. / SSUŠAT /

Alex Miartuš – Čechánky

UAT FASHION – for students in clothing design. This competition won Barbora Michalcová with steampunk costume – repairer /SSUŠAT/.

FILM UNIQUE for students of the production of the image and sound – camera, his, cut

] To the first three places in this competition were placed: – 1st place behind film Zlatá ruka / Private Secondary School, Košice

Adam Janata / High School Multimedia and Promotion, Prague 4, Czech Republic /

Tomáš Biely – Third place for a film Again ] / Private Secondary School art, Zvolen /

The festival was interesting for the originality and creativity of the authors – and so we look forward to the continuation of the festival in 2019. We invite students, to send us your applications and works from of September 2018. You can tr open all the information on the festival on where you can also see the contest

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