Anne Hathaway writhing with racism, brutal murder of young African-Americans


BRATISLAVA, July 27 ( – The American actress Anne Hathaway, also known as the White Queen of Alica in Miracles (2010) and Alica in Krajine za zrkadlom (2016) , is vigorously opposed to the rise of racism

It was caused by the murder of an eighteen-year-old African American who was stabbed to death by Belly John Lee Cowell on the train in Oakland.

" Belosi, including myself, including you, must be aware of the truth until all his privileged bones are aware of the truth that all have been captured by a traveler, Black Americans struggle daily against their lives, and they've been experimenting with it for generations "Hathaway writes in an article on Instagram under the picture of a murdered girl. She was a black man and was coldly killed by white men. At what level do we really bleach? "The murder of an eighteen-year-old girl was terrified in the United States by many – the Oakland Police Chief described it as the most brutal attack. he had never seen during his 30-year career ".

* Anne Jacqueline Hathaway *

* appeared in such films as The Diary of Princess (2001), The Princess Diary 2: The Kingdom at Risk (2004), Skrotena Hora: A Story of Jane Austen (2007), Rachel is out (2008), Get Agent Smarta (2008), Vojna neviest (2009), Love and Other Addiction (2010), Alica in Wonderland The Return of the Black Knight (2012), Interstellar (2014) , The trainer (2015), and Alica in the landscape behind the mirror (2016)

The best achievement, thanks to the performance of Fantine in Bedari's music (2012) zl the same Globe and the l & # 39; Oscar. She was nominated for the award at the Academy of Arts and Film Sciences in 2009 for the lead role in Rachel's film

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